Saturday, November 22, 2008

Trader Joes= Tofurkey dinner!

So today after our shoot my lovely and i went to trader joes.... I am not saying that i wasnt impressed, but i feel they do not have very many Vegan options... now i have not decided 100 percent yet if i was going to go vegan... so for a week i tested it out and felt great, and then today i ate a piece of cheese pizza.... and now my stomach hurts so bad, I think that has made up my mind on the vegan/vegetarian decision.... I did also buy a tofurkey dinner today for Thanksgiving. Since my hubby and i will be traveling to Ohio I was afraid i wouldnt be able to find one there so i went ahead and got it. I must admit trader joes had some really great prices.... we got a bunch of stuff for less than 100..... :P

Here is a quetstion for the day tho for the vegans.... If something said that it was made on a same machine as a milk product what does that mean? Please let me know?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

OK, So today went well... went to set, had bbq tofu... and seaweed... it was quite yummy as well as a choc vegan cookie... I want to learn how to bake like that...My family thinks im weird because the way i choose to live my live.. you should hear the comments when i mentioned Tofurkey...short post today... thats all she wrote!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Go Veg

Ok so I did decide to start the whole blog thing again. I just moved to NJ and have a new job in NYC. Anywho, I just read the book Skinny Bitch which was a pretty good book and made me really inspired to treat my body better and watch what I decide to put in my mouth. I want to learn how to cook with tofu and bake vegan delights, maybe i will buy a new book since i finished my last one! I am going to LA in DEC which i am excited about for the Video Game Awards, everyone should watch and boost up the ratings. Thats about it for now,,, I am off to join some Vegan blogs... Muahs

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pondering Mind

As I sit here at 5:08 Pm pondering what exactly to make for dinner my mind starts to ponder randomness.
  • Why is it illegal to drive with out a seatbelt, but it's A OK to drive a motorcycle without a helmet.
  • Do you remember 10 years ago or so and not having a computer at home and house phones were still common?
It just amazes me that this little tool called the Interweb has transformed us as humans.... who sits down and writes a letter anymore... shoot we gotz emailz.

Thats all I got..... Photo for thought?